Tag Archives: The New Rules

Using Social Media to Generate Leads

Social media platforms offer many exciting opportunities for lead-generation marketers. However, it’s important to differentiate between social media advertising and social media marketing. Continue reading

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Using Trade Shows to Generate Leads

Trade shows are an incredibly effective lead generation tactic. They put you directly inside of a room filled with people that are generally in the market for your company’s products and services. If you approach these shows properly, you can … Continue reading

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Using Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to Generate Leads

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the process of serving an advertisement in response to a search engine query. SEM is a great lead generation tool, because it’s affordable, effective, and easy to analyze. Continue reading

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Using Email Marketing to Generate Leads

Email marketing is an excellent lead generation tactic that gives you an unparalleled ability to contact people who aren’t familiar with your company’s products and services. If you can reach the right audience, at the right time, with the right … Continue reading

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Using Display Advertising to Generate Leads

Display advertising is the process of placing ads on websites that your target audience frequently visits. Display advertising is one of the oldest digital marketing channels, originating shortly after the birth of the Internet. These ads began as a static … Continue reading

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