A review from Liz Williams at BizMarketer

Did you know there were rules about lead generation? I had no idea. All these years I’ve been stumbling around generating leads with no idea that I was supposed to be following the rules. And there are, apparently, a bunch of new ones we’re supposed to know and here is a book that explains it all (I mean everything) for us. The New Rules of Lead Generation by David Scott is an ambitious, comprehensive tour of the dark art and darker science of making the phone ring or the mouse click.

Mr. Scott is a veteran marketer, who cut his teeth with big companies, and now (surprise!) has his own lead generation marketing firm. He knows a lot about a lot of things and he has put most of it in this book.

Read more here: http://bizmarketer.wordpress.com/2013/05/21/book-review-an-exhaustive-guide-to-all-things-lead-gen/#more-1497

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